Wednesday, 8 February 2017

SCALA Scripting in UNIX to count the translated files, and also it’s size - Beginners

Scala is a simple scripting language. Just enter some scala code in a text file, and execute it with “scala file.scala“.

The below is a simple scala script to count the translated files, and also it’s size.

Basic Terminologies to be learnt before scripting are below :

1.Classes and type interfaces
2. How to work with collections
3. Higher Order Functions
4. Functional versus imperative : To var or not to Var
5. Default parameters and passing functions as arguments.

Coding starts from here:

exec scala "$0" "$@"


val docs = new File(".").listFiles
  .filter(_.getName.endsWith(".textile"))   // process only textile files
  .map(new DocumentationFile(_))

val translated = docs.filter(_.isTranslated)    // only already translated files

val translatedLength =
val docsLength =

  status("translated size", translatedLength, docsLength, (length) => asKB(length) ) 

  status("translated files", translated.length, docs.length) 

def status(
  title: String = "status", 
  current: Long, total: Long, 
  format: (Long) => String = (x) => x.toString): String = {

  val percent = current * 100 / total

  title + ": " + format(current) + "/" + format(total) + " " +
  percent + "%" +
  " (pending " + format(total - current) + " " +
  (100-percent) + "%)"

def asKB(length: Long) = (length / 1000) + "kb"

class DocumentationFile(val file: File) {

  val name = file.getName
  val length = file.length
  val isTranslated = (firstLine.indexOf("Esta página todavía no ha sido traducida al castellano") == -1)

  override def toString = "name: " + name + ", length: " + length + ", isTranslated: " + isTranslated
def firstLine = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)).readLine



translated size: 256kb/612kb 41% 

translated files: 24/64 37% 

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

JavaScript Animation - Drop Ball Anywhere and bounce

#Author :
# To start dropping the ball click anywhere in the screen once done with code

Head Section :

function BrowserCheck() {
var b = navigator.appName;
if (b == "Netscape") this.b = "NS";
else if (b == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") this.b = "IE";
else this.b = b;
this.v = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
this.NS = (this.b == "NS" && this.v>=4);
this.NS4 = (this.b == "NS" && this.v == 4);
this.NS5 = (this.b == "NS" && this.v == 5);
this.IE = (this.b == "IE" && this.v>=4);
this.IE4 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 4')>0);
this.IE5 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0);
if (this.IE5 || this.NS5) this.VER5 = true;
if (this.IE4 || this.NS4) this.VER4 = true;
this.OLD = (! this.VER5 && ! this.VER4) ? true : false;
this.min = (this.NS||this.IE);
is = new BrowserCheck();
// End -->

Body Section :

<h3>Click anywhere to make the ball drop and bounce</h3> <br>
<div id="staticBall" style="position:relative;visibility:visible">
<img src="ball.jpg" height=30 width=30 alt="Static ball">
<div id="ball" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute; left:100; top:10; height:34; width:34">
<img src="ball.jpg" height=30 width=30 alt="Bouncing ball">
<!-- Begin
iter = 0;
setId = 0;
down = true;
up = false;
bouncingBall = (is.VER5) ? document.getElementById("ball").style
: (is.NS) ? document.layers["ball"]
: document.all["ball"].style;
stillBall = (is.VER5) ? document.getElementById("staticBall").style
: (is.NS) ? document.layers["staticBall"] : document.all["staticBall"].style;
winH = (is.NS) ? window.innerHeight - 55 : document.body.offsetHeight - 55;
document.onmouseup = buttonUp;
if (is.NS4)
function buttonUp(e) {
if ( ((is.NS) ? e.which : event.button) != 1) return true;
if (setId != 0) clearInterval(setId);
bouncingBall.left = (is.NS) ? e.pageX - 15 : event.offsetX - 15; = (is.NS) ? e.pageY - 15 : event.offsetY - 15;
iter = 0;
setId = setInterval("generateGravity()", 20);
return true;
function generateGravity() {
if ((parseInt( < winH) && down) { = parseInt( + iter;
else {
if ((parseInt(< winH) && down) { = winH + 5;
down = false;
up = true;
if (iter < 0 && parseInt( > winH) {
bouncingBall.visibility = "hidden";
setId = 0;
if (parseInt( > 0 && up && iter >= 0) { = parseInt( - iter;
if (iter%3 == 0) iter--;
down = true;
up = false;
// End -->

AngularJS [JavaScript]- Like and Dislike Button - Coding Beginners

#Author :
#The below code is placed where we want to display all the data

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang = "en">
<meta charset = "UTF-8" name = "viewport" content = "width-device=width, initial-scale=1"/>
<link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "css/bootstrap.css" />
<script src = "js/angular.js"></script>
<script src = "js/script.js"></script>
<body ng-app = "simModule">
<nav class = "navbar navbar-default">
<div class = "container-fluid">
<div class = "row">
<div class = "col-md-3"></div>
<div class = "col-md-6 well" ng-controller = "simController">
<h3 class = "text-primary">Like and Dislike buttons Using AngularJS</h3>
<hr style = "border-top:1px dotted #000;"/>
<br /><br />
<table class = "table table-bordered">
<th>Programming Language</th>
<tr ng-repeat="pLang in pLangs">
<td><center><button class = "btn btn-primary" ng-click = "incrementUp(pLang)">
<span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></span>
</button> | <button class = "btn btn-danger" ng-click = "decrementDown(pLang)">
<span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down"></span></button></center></td>

# Creating the script for calling the AngularJS function -This is where the angularjs function will be called to perform the request

var Demoapp = angular.module("simModule", [])
.controller("simController" , function($scope){
var pLangs =[
{name: "C#", Likes: 0, Dislikes: 0},
{name: "Java", Likes: 0, Dislikes: 0},
{name: "PHP", Likes: 0, Dislikes: 0},
{name: "VB.NET", Likes: 0, Dislikes: 0},
{name: "Python", Likes: 0, Dislikes: 0},
{name: "Pearl", Likes: 0, Dislikes: 0},
{name: "Ruby", Likes: 0, Dislikes: 0},
$scope.pLangs = pLangs;
$scope.incrementUp = function(pLang){
$scope.decrementDown = function(pLang){